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I recently shared this topic in an IG post. I've seen so much attention connected to upward trend of genderless skincare and how the term is changing the face of beauty.

Personally, the medicine cabinet in my home is clearly divided. One side has shaving cream, a razor, and maybe Eucerin for his chaffed skin while my side has "lots of stuff"

Beyond the idea that women are generally more in tune with their skincare needs and that's why we buy so much more, research shows that men are following suit.

As we move into 2021 we will see more and more unisex skincare products emerging and it will be reflected in the products packaging and marketing tone and messaging. Certainly makes sense to me since "Gen-Z" is the most socially aware generation and don't really care too much about identity markers and labels.

While women and men do have some different needs it seems to be more about your skin type and areas of concern. A majority of products have ingredients that could be effectively used by both men and women.

I'm making it my mission to talk to more clean beauty makers locally and across the country to get their spin on this trend and report back - but it's definitely something to think about.

Who knows, you might be sharing your face serum and toners with your significant other sooner than later.

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